Which Gabhart team member is at the top of your bracket? Check out the Gabhart Family Dentistry Invitational tournament, sponsored by our Smile Saver Plan, and see who will take home the title this year!
Dr. Gabhart’s Drone Tour (VIDEO)
It’s our priority to make you feel comfortable coming into our office for all of your dental needs, so we wanted to take a minute to show you around our facility…with Dr. Gabhart’s new gadget.
Now with Two Dr. Gabhart’s (VIDEO)
The Dentist is In: What Happens in a Routine Dental Exam
Perhaps you’re a new patient here at Dr. Gabhart’s, or maybe you haven’t had a dental appointment in years and you’re just trying to psych yourself up for that cleaning you have scheduled for Monday. Well, let’s calm those jitters and take you through exactly what you’ll experience in a dental examination. Medical information. You’ll take […]
Smiling Into Springtime: Four Reasons You Should Be Smiling Every Day
Here at Dr. Gabhart’s, we talk a lot about your smile. Straightening it, whitening it, keeping it cavity-free (we even made a music video about that last one). But none of our hard work is worth it if you don’t actually smile! As we leave winter behind and bloom into springtime, we’ve compiled four reasons […]
Dental Care for Children
The holidays are in full swing around at Dr. Gabhart’s, where we are creating beautiful smiles for all of those holiday photo ops. This Christmas, is all your child wants his or her two front teeth? We’ve rounded up some important ways you can take care of your child’s teeth, from infancy on through childhood. […]
Gabhart sponsors Walk MS: Central Kentucky 2017
Early on Saturday, September 30th, 2017, Gabhart Family Dentistry gathered at Freeman Lake Park by the Searle Pavilion and started to walk. Why, you ask? We were participating in the Walk MS: Central Kentucky 2017, a walk to end multiple sclerosis. Dr. Gabhart’s has been a local healthcare sponsor for the last several years, and […]
Beating Bruxism: Causes and treatments for teeth grinding
Do you ever find yourself grinding your teeth? Or clenching your jaw when you are angry or frustrated? Studies show 30 to 40 million children and adults grind or clench their teeth, a condition known as bruxism. “Bruxing” can occur at night (nocturnal bruxism) or during the daytime hours, and it can affect infants, adults, […]
Gabhart 2017 Graduation Advice (Video)
Dr. Gabhart offers more practical advise to all graduates. Congratulations, Class of 2017.
How Chewing Gum can HELP Your Teeth
Remember back to a time when you were sitting in a classroom, and the fateful moment occurred when your teacher turned around and saw that you were chewing – oh, the horror – gum. He or she probably made you spit the gum directly into his or her hand, surrender it into the garbage can, […]