Helping people with their dental needs is nothing new to Dr. Gabhart, but venturing to Honduras to do so certainly is. It has now been two weeks since our very own Dr. Gabhart has returned from his mission trip helping underprivileged children and adults with their dental issues, but according to him, his heart still hasn’t made its way all the way back.
Dr. Gabhart and his wife joined a team of 56 adults through the organization Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International (BMDMI). BMDMI was founded in 1974 by missionaries dedicated to helping the impoverished meet their basic medical and dental needs.
The group traveled to multiple cities in Honduras offering medical, dental, and veterinarian care, as well as donating shoes, clothes and food to those in need.
“I’ve wanted to go on a mission trip for quite some time and this was the first year it finally worked out,” said Dr. Gabhart. “The trip hit me in many ways, but mostly revealed that I’m more fortunate than I even realized. There is so much need in Honduras with little to no help available. We are very blessed to live in a place that is safe and provides medical services.”
Dr. Gabhart explained that he was most moved by two little girls that traveled in the heat for nearly two hours by themselves just to get dental help.
“I will definitely go on another trip like this in the future,” said Dr. Gabhart. “The need is too great to ignore.”