Calling all fellow coffee-lovers! Yes, you with the Venti Soy Quadruple Shot Latte with no foam… we are talking to you.
Tooth enamel might be one of the hardest substances in the human body however it also contains many microscopic pits that are perfect homes for food and drinks. Coffee is one of the regular offenders, navigating itself into the cracks and ridges, building up over time to stain your teeth.
We understand the “no coffee, no talkie” phrase. Sometimes you just can’t live without life’s greatest caffeine drink. So rather than convince you not to drink it, here are some tips and tricks for managing coffee-stained teeth.
Chug, Chug, Chug
The key to limiting the damage is downing the coffee quickly, however not to the point where you’re burning your tongue. The greatest damage is done when you sip throughout the day, without cleaning afterwards. Over time, the coffee compounds and seeps into the enamel pits, creating long-lasting stains.
Brush your pearly whites right away
If you followed our first tip of sipping quickly, the next step is to brush your teeth right away. If you can remove the pigments with good toothpaste and brushing skills, you are less likely to develop stains.
Creamer doesn’t make a difference
The common misconception is that creamer (lighter coffee) doesn’t contribute to the stains. Let us just dispel this fallacy right now. Coffee with cream contains the same pigments as black coffee and still gets in the ridges of your teeth. Don’t fear, you don’t need to give up your creamer just yet.
Time to get your teeth cleaned? Schedule an appointmentwith Dr. Gabhart today!