The phrase “weight loss plan” has been searched over 460 million times on Google, and for good reason. Everyone is looking to improve their health on the outside and becoming more conscious of what goes inside. However, hardly anyone is talking about a healthy mouth.
Though you may not know it, your mouth is a window to your overall health. You can read about the many ways your oral health is a great indicator of the status of the other systems of your body. From plaque to saliva, your mouth is constantly telling of your health. On the contrary, it can also warn of infections, viruses and diseases you might have.
That’s why we have put together a couple of ways to improve your mouth health and ultimately, your overall health.
Here are a couple tips for adults:
Start flossing
Flossing is a simple habit that can make a world of difference. If you aren’t flossing at all, start with one time a day, in the morning. If you already floss once a day, bump it up to twice a day. Plaque will start to harden within hours of eating, and after 48 hours, cavity-causing substances will stick. Remember to floss!
Carry a travel toothbrush
It’s bad for tooth enamel if food chunks sit on your gums for a long period of time. You need to get food out to avoid plaque from building up quickly. We suggest you have a travel toothbrush handy in your purse or work-bag to use after meals on the go.
Oral health is just as important for your little ones (though these tips apply to you too). As surprising as it may sound, dental care should begin when a child is around six months old, when their first tooth comes in. This is as simple as wiping the baby’s teeth with a damp cloth. Once your child is over two years old, you should help them learn to brush on their own.
Here are a couple tips for children:
Create incentives, give rewards
We know it’s hard to get children to stay consistent with brushing, let alone flossing. One thing you might try is a reward chart for brushing twice daily. Check out this sheet below from SomewhatSimple!
Incorporate fluoride
Fluoride is an underrated tool for healthy teeth, especially with children. Your child might already be getting it at school, but in case they are not, add that to your tooth care. There are many toothpaste and mouth rinse options that contain fluoride, and could be a great option for you and your kids.
The mouth and body connection is very strong and we hope these quick tips will make all the difference. Healthy mouth + healthy body = happy you!